"Au Coeur des Arts" à Thiberville

Pour "le Printemps des Poètes", l'association "Tête de l'art" en Lieuvin (76) a organisé un week-end mêlant exposition, poésie, musique et contes.
Il y avait une installation visuelle et sonore de Delphine Ferré, des livres de chants d'amour de Claire Aumaître Haquet,  mon "Arborescence du coeur" et une sélection d'oeuvres de l'Artothèque de Caen

"What is textile?" à Edimbourg

Le "squelette du pied" à été présenté à Edimbourg du 1er au 15 février 2014, par le collectif Kalopsia. http://kalopsiacollective.co.uk/ 

French creator, Karine Jollet’s piece 'Foot bones' is part of a sceleton series she made from 2005 to 2007. The series includes a skull, a thorax, a vertebra, a pelvis, a femur and the foot.

"I used real human bones as a model to work from and so I could admire the cleverness of the forms, the delicate aspect of their texture and the lightness (no weight) of bones that time had made white. Internally, bones are not dense but on the contrary very loosely connected and that is the reason I have mainly used lace in the making of the foot sculpture. The uneven surface of the bone that allows muscles to attach themselves to it I reproduced using lace and the even surface (where the articulations go) I reproduced using satin or velvet. The little glass pearls on the fingertips capture light and remind us that we are not just matter."

Fabrics are materials that came naturally to me as an analogy to our own biological tissues: skin, muscles, bones… I start with old bed sheets and shirts, embroided handkerchieves and second-hand fabrics that I cut up, put the fragments together, pad them and then sew them by hand. In this way I reconstruct different body parts (arms, legs, heads) and several organs and bone structures. The fragments of fabrics I use start a new life when they become a sculpture as they all had had a previous one, they were all used in the past by different people in several different ways; as sculptures, their function and the memories they contain are combined a new. These fabrics do not protect our body anymore, they become a body in a symbolic way. A new symbolic body starting a new symbolic life.